iPoker Site Setup (Titan poker, etc…) (DriveHUD 2)

You must configure the iPoker client to save hand histories to your hard drive in order for DriveHUD 2 to import your hands and display a HUD.

Step 1 #

To save your Hand Histories on iPoker, do the following:

  1. From the iPoker lobby, click on My Account -> Settings and go to the General section.
  2. Check Store Hand History Locally.
  3. Please note the default location where iPoker is saving your hand histories.
    The default location is %appdata%\Local\<iPoker Client>\data\<Screenname>\History\Data
    (where <iPoker Client> is the name of the iPoker client you have installed and <Screenname> is your screenname in the iPoker client)

Step 2 #

Saved Hand Location Setup

Once you’ve set iPoker to save the hand history location, you must set this same directory in setup on DriveHUD 2. DriveHUD 2 will auto-detect your hand history folder location on startup, but we suggest checking and ensuring that it is set correctly. To do so do the following:

1) Click on the SETTINGS button icon at the top right-hand side of DriveHUD 2.

2) Click on the SITE SETTINGS tab in the settings window.

3) From the drop-down menu shown below, select – iPoker.

4. Make sure you have a hand history location showing, similar to above, or click the AUTO DETECT button to add your hand history folder location on iPoker

5. Click on APPLY. Click on OK.


Important Additional Settings #

Auto Center (Preferred Seating)

You might choose to use the Auto Center option in your iPoker client (so that you are always placed in the bottom seat at every table). To configure this, do the following:

1. From the iPoker lobby, click My Account > Settings and select the Table section

2. Make sure Auto center my seat is enabled

3. Enable Auto Center in DriveHUD 2 by clicking on Settings -> Site Settings, and then checking the Auto Center option towards to bottom of the form (as seen above).


The iPoker client must be installed in the English language.  DriveHUD 2 only supports English and if the iPoker client is installed in another language it will cause problems.

If you have the client installed in another language you will need to uninstall it and reinstall using English.
