DriveHUD 2 Knowledge Base

How do I export my hand histories?

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There are several ways to export your hand histories from DriveHUD 2. You can export:

  1. Individual hand histories – to do this, right click on any hand that is in your hand history grid on your right-hand side, in any report, and select EXPORT. You will have a list of export options available to you. You can export to a specific poker forum, to a 3rd party app (for ease of import), plain text, or raw hand history (original hand format).
  2. All hands in a specific session – Go to your SESSIONS report. Right click on any session in your report and select either EXPORT ALL HANDS, or EXPORT to 3rd PARTY APP. If you’re importing into another Drivehud, selecting export all hands is recommended. If you’re looking to import into a 3rd party app like GTOX for example, Export to 3rd party app is recommended.

export hand histories

3. All of your hands in your database – Go to your overall report, right click on it, and select either EXPORT ALL HANDS, or EXPORT to 3rd PARTY APP.
