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  • #7086

    In the replayer, we are shown the pot odds e.g. “Odds to Call: 1.4 : 1”. Can we have the odds in % too? This should be like one line of code, extremely easy to implement, and would help us a lot.

    2nd feature may be a bit harder but would be a huge help: show the pot odds we are getting when playing at the table.


    DH Support

    Think it’s more of a space thing, but I’ll put the request in. I don’t think they are going to put it on the table.

    If you’re looking for help with converting pot odds to %’s, we have a free app you can practice with also:

    Ace Poker Drills


    I have no trouble manually converting pot odds into % but it would be too troublesome to do that for every single hand. And certainly much slower. And I don’t think there’s much of a space problem, you add like 4 characters into the existing text.

    This is a basic and important feature in most other trackers (and very easy to do) so it would be a shame that DriveHUD doesn’t support it.

    DH Support

    Ty for your request. It’s appreciated.

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