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  • #3971

    So i know it is mentioned a  bit before on Dh site but I am just wandering if mac compatablity is still being considered? I believe i was told parallels or wine would help with running DH until it is actually compatable?

    DH Support

    So i know it is mentioned a bit before on Dh site but I am just wandering if mac compatablity is still being considered? I believe i was told parallels or wine would help with running DH until it is actually compatable?

    Yes, MAC compatibility will be added, but we’re still a ways off from that. Drivehud runs great in parallels. I don’t know about WINE honestly. I haven’t seen any testing on it, so I’m not sure about that setup.


    Parallels is working great!! thanks for the suggestions.

    DH Support

    Parallels is working great!! thanks for the suggestions.

    Yeah in a lot of cases, PC software runs quicker and better on it than on native PC’s. Don’t tell anyone. 🙂


    Any idea when we can expect the Mac version to come out?

    And also, if I get the parallels and I run DriveHUD on the parallels, will I also have to run the poker application on the parallels? Or can DriveHUD run on parallels and still work on the poker applications on the Mac OS?

    I’d greatly appreciate it if you can help me with instructions on how to make it work.


    We wont be making a MAC version. to run it on MAC, you will need to use a windows emulator like parallels or bootcamp.

    If you are using MAC, make sure to run both DH and poker client in parallels/bootcamp.

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