filter stats by number of players in the hud

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Home Forums General Support for DriveHUD 1.x filter stats by number of players in the hud

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    Hi. I am having a major issue with this. Number of active players in a table is changing alot and I need accurate stats for each situation.

    I tried duplicating huds and changing filters for 5max, 4max, 3max etc.. And then have to click “treat hud as 4max” and then load a different hud manually every time number of players change at the table. This is very inconvenient and hard to execute. Is there any other way I can do this?

    Would be fantastic if you could do something similar to what holder manager had for this.

    DH Support

    So you want an option to auto change the HUD stats based on the number of players?


    Yes. I think it is vital to have that feature. Especially for Ignition.

    can it be done ?

    DH Support

    I believe so. I sent this request to development.

    Bramlet Abercrombie

    I would love this feature as well – most HUDs have it, specifically the option to present different stats for players based on the current number of players at the table.

    DH Support

    This feature exists, it just won’t auto change based on the number of players. You can set a filter, create a HUD w/ X number of players in the hand and then switch to the HUD w/ your filter at the table at any time. If you click on the paint icon at the bottom right sight in the HUD tab on drivehud, you’ll see the setting.


    That is actually incorrect. There is no HUD filter for the amount of players at a table. You can only filter data by table size. If you often table start and play HU or short-handed at a 6max or 9max table against opponents then those opponents’ non-position specific HUD stats will appear very loose when the table is full. Currently there isn’t a way to filter out HU or short-handed data when tables fill up. This feature has been requested multiple times here and in the 2+2 forums. Hopefully it’ll be included in an update in the near future.

    DH Support

    Yes, your correct. It’s by table, not number of players. I know it’s on the development list already.


    Do we have any progress on this issue?


    I don’t think so. I’m still changing my HUD manually for now. I guess they are still working on it.

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