Reply To: DriveHUD won't update

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Home Forums General Support for DriveHUD 1.x DriveHUD won't update Reply To: DriveHUD won't update


OK Guys,

I am hoping that somehow we can figure out what is happening. I could not Un-install DriiveHUD ?? Yes , I tried to uninstall from Windows, I tried to go into the DriveHUD files to use the uninstall .exe file all of them went to the update screen and when I click OK or install or whatever the button says. It immediately said program not installed or something like that??  What I had to do, was to delete all the files I could manually (I know this is not recommended) then I ran the registry editor and deleted most of the registry files associated with Drive HUD.

I was then able to install the latest official release It appears to be functioning, I think I lost some of my saved HUDS but it looks like everything else is OK. Can you look at my logs and see if I am going to be able to update or am I going to have a problem with every release??
