Reply To: Some basic questions

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Home Forums General Support For DriveHUD 2 Some basic questions Reply To: Some basic questions

DH Support

Glad you’re enjoying it.

1) You can see HUD data on other players in the replayer. You can see just stats on opponents in the opponent tab, or you can switch to that player (change the player ID up top) to view their entire data set.

2) Everybody shows total stats except for the hero. You can view your total stats anytime from the dashboard.

3) What site are you playing on?

I can’t give too much optimization advice without knowing your system specs, but basics are to reboot and just run necessary programs only. Drivehud is built to multi-table 20+ tables. Depending on the poker site you’re on, some are more resource intensive than others, obviously. But if you’re having an issue w/ more than one table, it definitely sounds like a system upgrade is in order. 🙂 We can give some recommendations if you’d like.

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