Asian Poker Hand Converter Manual



Important: If you have LDPlayer v.4.37 or higher, then ADB root access needs to be enabled or AHC won’t work.

(Click here for more details)

Initial Setup (Section 1)

LDPlayer Emulator Setup (Section 2A)

BlueStacks Emulator Setup (Section 2B)

PokerTracker 4 Setup (Section 3)

Holdem Manager 2 Setup (Section 4)

Holdem Manager 3 Setup (Section 5)

BlueStacks Setup with Holdem Manager 3 (Section 6)

DriveHUD Setup (Section 7)

Settings (Section 8)

Additional Setup Videos (Section 9)

Initial Setup (Section 1)



Initial Setup (Section 1)

  1. On the first load of the Asian Poker Hand Converter, you’ll be asked to pick your database. The Asian Poker Hand Converter supports DriveHUD, Holdem Manager 2, PokerTracker 4, and H2N for HUD Support. It will catch hands in real time for importing into Holdem Manager 1 and PokerTracker 3, but will not launch a HUD.

  1. Asian Poker Hand Converter will auto setup your import directories for you. Once it’s set up you’ll receive the below message. However, it’s important to double check your settings in your poker database to ensure that your database is importing from the correct directory (see section 2 for PokerTracker 4 or section 3, for Holdem Manager 2. DriveHUD doesn’t need the import settings).

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LDPlayer Emulator Setup (Section 2A)




LDPlayer Emulator Setup (Section 2A)

[VIDEO] This is a setup and tutorial guide on how to download and setup LD Player Emulator

1. Download the latest emulator (for PC)

NOTE: AHC supports LDplayer LDplayer V4, V5, V9, and Bluestacks V5, and Nox.

Click here to download LDPlayer V5/V9. emulator

Click here to download NOX emulator

Click here to download Bluestacks emulator


Important: If you have LDPlayer v.4.37 or higher, then ADB root access needs to be enabled or AHC won’t work. (Click here for more details)



2. Install the emulator.


3. Launch the emulator


4. Basic buttons and Settings – on the top, you have the settings button. While on the lower right are the back, home, and app switch buttons.


How to download and install a poker app APK file

5. Download poker app APK file (ex: Red Dragon Poker)


6. Install the poker app. (by dragging or double-clicking)


7. Launch the poker app.


8. Settings – accessed by clicking the gear icon. Here, you can adjust various settings to improve your gameplay.


Click on “Save” for changes to take effect.

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How to enable ABD root access in LDPlayer



How to enable ABD root access in LDPlayer

9. Click on Settings. (Gear icon)


10. Click on Other Settings.


11. Set Root Permission to ‘Enable’.


12. Set ADB Debug to ‘Open Connection’.


13. Click Save.


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Emulator Setup (Section 2B)




Emulator Setup (Section 2B)

Step 1. Download the latest emulator (for PC)

NoxPlayer is our favorite emulator PLUS it works really well with Asian Hand Converter. (which allows you to run a HUD on these poker apps!)

Check out our article How to setup android emulators for poker apps for a more in-depth guide on setting up your emulator.

NOTE: Currently NOX, Bluestacks, and LDplayer version 3 & LDplayer V4 is supported.

Click here to download NOX emulator

Click here to download Bluestacks emulator

Click here to download LDPlayer emulator


Step 2. Install the emulator.


Step 3. Launch the emulator


Step 4. Basic buttons and Settings – on the top, the gear icon is for settings. While on the lower right are the back, home, and tasks view buttons.


How to download and install a poker app APK file

Step 5. Download poker app APK file (ex: Red Dragon Poker)


Step 6. Install the poker app. (by dragging or double clicking)


Step 7. Launch the poker app.


Step 8. Settings – accessed by clicking the gear icon. Here, you can adjust various settings to improve your gameplay.


Click on “Save settings” for changes to take effect.


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PokerTracker 4 Setup (Section 3)




PokerTracker 4 Setup (Section 3)

  1. In PokerTracker 4, check your auto import directory setup by clicking on CONFIGURE from your top menu options. Then click on SITE & IMPORT OPTIONS. Under Poker Network on the left-hand side, select RED DRAGON (or the poker site you’re looking to configure the Asian hand converter with, ie, PokerTime, PokerBros, etc…). Make sure that Get Hands while playing on site is CHECKED. Under Directories Configuration, make sure that the Asian Poker Hand Converter directory is listed. If you used the default installation directory it will be: C:\Program Files (x86)\Ace Poker Solutions\Asian Hand Converter\HM3HandHistories\rdp_hh. If it’s not there, then click the ADD button, and add: C:\Program Files (x86)\Ace Poker Solutions\Asian Hand Converter\HM3HandHistories\rdp_hh. Click OK and close the Import Configuration screen.

  1. Load up poker client and log into your account.

  2. Once the import folder is properly set up, make sure that the Asian Poker Hand Converter says STOP CATCHING (this means it’s grabbing hands from your poker client and creating hand histories on the main interface. If it doesn’t for any reason, then click START CATCHER.

  3. Lastly, from PokerTraker 4 click on PLAY POKER, and GET HANDS WHILE PLAYING.

PokerTracker 4

Load up some tables with your emulator or with your poker client and start playing. The HUD will take a hand or two to load from PokerTracker and then the HUD will appear on the tables.

PokerTracker 4 Setup Video

5 minute video on how to setup the Asian hand converter with PokerTracker 4.

For more information or assistance, please visit our support page:

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Holdem Manager 2 Setup (Section 4)




Holdem Manager 2 Setup (Section 4)

  1. In Holdem Manager 2, click on SITE SETUP. On the left-hand side of the Site Settings pop-up click on ASIAN POKER CLUBS. Under AUTO IMPORT FOLDERS, check to see that the Asian Poker Hand Converter directory is listed. If you used the default install locations the folder will show as: C:\Program Files (x86)\Ace Poker Solutions\Asian Hand Converter\HandHistories. If it’s not listed, then click on the green + sign, and under folder, add: C:\Program Files (x86)\Ace Poker Solutions\Asian Hand Converter\HandHistories. Click OK. Click on Close to the Site Settings screen.

  1. Load up your Poker client and log into your account.

  2. Once the import folder is properly set up, click START CATCHER from the Asian Poker Hand Converter.

That’s it. You may need to click on STOP HUD and START HUD in the holdem manager ACTIVE SESSION screen, but you shouldn’t have to. If you want to manually attach the HUD, then proceed with the following:

  1. Now in Holdem Manager 2, click on the ACTIVE SESSION tab. Select whether you’re playing Cash or Tournaments, and then click STOP HUD.

PokerTracker 4

  1. Next click START HUD, and then wait until you’ve played at least one hand on the table you’re on. Once you’ve played a hand, click on the TABLE FINDER Button.

PokerTracker 4

  1. From the table finder pop-up window, select one of the tables you’re playing at and then right click and hold down the hud cross on the bottom left-hand corner of the screen and drag and drop it onto the corresponding table name. Make sure you match the table you first selected, to the table you’re now dragging the cross onto.

PokerTracker 4

  1. Lastly, it will ask you if you want to add the HUD to this table. Make sure the table name is correct and select OK. Repeat steps 4-6 for each table you’re playing on.

PokerTracker 4


Holdem Manager 2 Setup Video

The following video is a step by step guide on how to setup the Asian hand converter with Holdem Manager 2.

For more information or assistance, please visit our support page:

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Holdem Manager 3 Setup (Section 5)




Holdem Manager 3 Setup (Section 5)

1. In Holdem Manager 3, click on TOOLS then SITE SETTINGS.


2. On the left-hand side of the Site SETTINGS pop-up, click on ADD MORE SITES.

3. Under More Sites, select RED DRAGON (or the poker site you’re looking to configure the Asian hand converter with, ie, PokerTime, PokerBros, etc…) and then click Update Sites.


4. Under Auto Import Folders, make sure that the Asian Poker Hand Converter directory is listed. If you used the default install locations the folder will show as: C:\Program Files (x86)\Ace Poker Solutions\Asian Hand Converter\HM3HandHistories\rdp_hh.

If it’s not listed, then click on ADD > three-dot button, and under folder, add: C:\Program Files (x86)\Ace Poker Solutions\Asian Hand Converter\HM3HandHistories\rdp_hh. Click OK. Click on Ok again to close the Site SETTINGS screen.

5. Load up your Poker client and log into your account.

6. Once the import folder is properly set up, click START CATCHER from the Asian Poker Hand Converter.

That’s it. You may need to click on STOP HUD and START HUD in the Holdem manager ACTIVE SESSION screen, but you shouldn’t have to. 


Holdem Manager 3 Setup Video

5-minute video on how to set up the Asian hand converter with Holdem Manager 3.

For more information or further assistance, please visit our support page:

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BlueStacks Setup with Holdem Manager 3




BlueStacks Setup with Holdem Manager 3 (Section 6)

4-minute video on how to set up the Asian hand converter with BlueStacks and Holdem Manager 3.

For more information or further assistance, please visit our support page:

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DriveHUD Setup (Section 7)




DriveHUD Setup (Section 7)

Very important: The Asian hand converter is integrated into DriveHUD. You want to use the integrated version of the Asian hand converter with DriveHUD. Do not use the stand-alone version of the Asian hand converter with DriveHUD. If you do, your emulator will just restart in a continuous loop. 

To activate the Asian hand converter in DriveHUD, do the following:

1. Click on the APPS tab a the top of DriveHUD.

asian converter apps tab

2. Click on INSTALLED APPS, and then click the LAUNCH button for the Asian hand converter.


poker bros asian poker hud

3. You’ll be asked to register your hand converter. Enter your serial if you have it with your e-mail, or click TRIAL if you’re trying it out (there’s a fully functional 7-day trial).

4. By default all of the available sites are checked and enabled. If there’s sites you’re not playing on, and you want to save system resources, you can uncheck those sites from the list. You can go back at anytime and re-enable them.

That’s it. Once you activate and register it once, you’ll never have to revisit the settings unless you need to make a settings change.

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Settings (Section 8)




Settings (Section 8)

If you click on SETTINGS on the Asian Poker Hand Converter, you can change or enable the following settings depending on which database you’re using:

  1. Database – Shows the currently selected database type. To change this, click on the change button and select DriveHUD, Holdem Manager 3 (HM3), or Poker Tracker 4 (PT4).
  2. Output format – There are two choices of which hand history format the hands are written in. So depending on the database chosen, there are multiple options, iPoker, PokerStars or Asian poker clubs.
  3. Emulators – Select which emulators you want to be supported.
  4. Automatic Updates – This is checked by default and will prompt you when new updates are available. Uncheck to turn this message off on startup of the card catcher.
  5. Advanced Logging – Check this box to turn on advanced logging for debug purposes. To send a log to support, click on CREATE LOG, and then click on the open file location directory. The card catcher will create a .zip file with your logs you can send to support from this page: Support
  6. Disable Warnings – Checking this box will disable any warning messages that Red Dragon card catcher could show you on startup.
  7. Use Player ID – Allows users to use the poker site’s assigned user ID number instead of their username/alias. By default, the catcher will track an opponent’s username/alias, unless this option is checked.
  8. System Logging – Turns logging on or off.
  9. Center HUD – moves hidden window which is used for allowing HM2/PT4 to find the window associated with hand history to be centralized relative to poker window.
  10. Check DB config on launch – Toggles the option for Asian Hand Converter to check database configuration on launch if appropriate options is checked in Settings. If configuration is incorrect, then Asian Hand Converter shows a popup with the warning message where the user can also fix the database configuration.
  11. Suprema Format – Select which kind of format you want for when playing on SupremaPoker.
  12. Supported Sites: All listed sites are checked by default but you can uncheck those you’re not using.
  13. Patch BlueStacks – Clicking here will patch BlueStacks Emulator provided they’re installed in default directory.
  14. Create Logs – Creates logs (for sending to support, etc.)


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Additional Setup Videos (Section 9)


Additional Setup Videos (Section 9)










This is a setup and tutorial guide on how to download and setup NoxPlayer Emulator



This is a setup and tutorial guide on how to download and setup BlueStacks Emulator



This is a setup and tutorial guide on how to download and setup LD Player Emulator


Holdem Manager 3  Setup Video

~5 minute video on how to setup the Asian hand converter with Holdem Manager 3.



Holdem Manager 2 Setup Video

The following video is a step by step guide on how to setup the Asian hand converter with Holdem Manager 2.



PokerTracker 4 Setup Video

5 minute video on how to setup the Asian hand converter with PokerTracker 4.



BlueStacks Setup with Holdem Manager 3

4-minute video on how to set up the Asian hand converter with BlueStacks and Holdem Manager 3.

For more information or assistance, please visit our support page:

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