Tournament/Sit and Go Rebuys

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Home Forums General Support For DriveHUD 2 Tournament/Sit and Go Rebuys

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  • #629291

    Is there a way for Drivehud2 to automatically track the tournaments that I bust and rebuy into? Currently, if I rebuy it will only show 1 entry into the tournament/Sit and Go. This leads to incorrect data and ITM% and ROI% information to be misleading. I understand that I can manually change it, but this is tedious.


    Which poker site are you playing? Does the site you play provide hand history?



    I am playing on ACR. I believe the hand historys are stored in a file on my computer but I’m not sure how it stores the data.


    Strange… for ACR there is an issue on where the buyin are getting registered as a different tournament.  Which we are fixing right now.

    Can you please send us a message though DH2 with logs attached using the headset/support icon on the upper part of your DH window, so we can check this for you.

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