Total Time Played per Stakes and Overall. Also stats for Days of Week played

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  4. Total Time Played per Stakes and Overall. Also stats for Days of Week played

Home Forums Feature Requests and Feedback for DriveHUD 1.x Total Time Played per Stakes and Overall. Also stats for Days of Week played

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  • #6849

    I see the Session Length statistic.  How do I display total time played per Stakes and Overall?

    I also see the Time tab for hour of the day.  Is there a “Day” tab for statistics based on Day of the Week?

    DH Support

    I think you’re posting this as a request since I already responded to you. It’s noted. Ty!


    I am posting as a request.  Sorry for the confusion.

    DH Support

    No worries. We got it and it was added to the dev list. ty.

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