Stat Question (no samples showing up as 0%)

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Home Forums General Support For DriveHUD 2 Stat Question (no samples showing up as 0%)

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  • #593047

    When a stat has no samples, it still shows up as 0%. On DriveHud1, it showed up as “–” to indicate there were no samples.

    For example, if the stat is “Fold vsCBet”. If my opponent has not faced a C-Bet yet, so his Fold to CBet is 0 out of 0, the stat shows me 0%. This is obviously very different from 0 out 4 or whatever. Is there any way I can make it show as something that indicates there are 0 samples? Its not very efficient to have to hover over the number every time something shows 0% in order to see if my opponent is really 0% or there just hasn’t been any samples yet.


    I have our developer check this. thanks for the suggestion.

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