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  • #6183

    Hello Support,

    Call 3-Bet IP % and Call 4-Bet IP % both seem a bit high.

    Fold to Double Barrel SRP%, Fold to Triple Barrel 3-Bet Pot%, and Fold to Triple Barrel SRP% all seem low with the last reading 0%.

    The PFR percentages by each position seem low.

    Please take a look at these stats when you have a chance. Thanks!


    DH Support

    Yeah, I’m checking into it. There is an issue w/ the PFR and it’s from an old development member. We’re talking w/ development about that and looking at those other stats. Thanks.


    It looks like the PFR stats have been corrected. I appreciate that!

    Are the other 5 stats still being looked at? I didn’t see any mention of them in the recent release notes for the newest versions. I know there are higher priorities. I just wanted to make sure that they’re still going to be addressed. Thanks.


    Hello Support,

    Is there any updates on those stats that you can provide? Thanks.

    DH Support

    Sorry missed this. They are still checking and writing new tests for a few of those stats. So I’ll update when I know more. thanks.


    Sounds good. Thanks for the update!


    I just noticed that Fold to Triple Barrel % without the SRP or 3Bet distinction is not available in the HUD stats list. I also noticed that Fold to River C-Bet % is not available in the Dashboard list. Could we please get those two stats added to the other sections? Thanks.

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