1. Request for Total Time Played per Stakes and Overall.
2. Stats for Days of Week played. e.g. Do I have better results on Fridays than on Mondays? You already do this for Time of Day.
3. On the HUD, it would be cool to be able to see what action happened on each street. X for check by that player, C for call by that player, R for raise by that player, etc.
4. Money per hour on the Stakes tab. I see $/hr for OverAll and for Sessions tabs, but not for the Stakes tab. If I am not overlooking it, please add.
5. On the pop out money graph, it would be nice when using the Mouseover on Money won to also have the date that the hand was played. Currently it displays the Hand # and Net Won.
6. On the pop out money graph, when showing the bar graph of Money won by cash game type, the stakes aren’t in order by value. Mine are ordered 0.10/0.25, 0.02/0.05, 0.05/0.10, and 0.25/0.50. It would be better to be 0.02/0.05, 0.05/0.10, 0.10/0.25, 0.25/0.50.