Reset opponents HUD stat's without having to reset your stats.

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Home Forums Feature Requests and Feedback for DriveHUD 1.x Reset opponents HUD stat's without having to reset your stats.

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    so DriveHud just came out with a new update where HUD’s now work on BOL’s zoom poker.. and what i have noticed is before the update the HUD would still get everyones stats but you couldn’t have the HUD up while playing.. i have noticed that these stats are completely wrong and now i am stuck with stats on players that are wrong and have no way of fixing it to get the correct stats for players… so i am proposing an idea that would be good and cool to be able to RESET players HUD stats without resetting our own stats like our graph,vpip,pfr, etc.. you get the picture…

    here are the stats i have for the players and you can def tell this isn’t correct.

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    also i forgot to add that if there is no way to reset opponents stats so i can get DriveHud to correctly get the right information for zoom on BOL i am going to just have to reset all my stats and completely restart and that would really suck because i am happy with my stats so far in this 15k sample

    DH Support

    Yes, this is because when your fold, the hand data isn’t completed on BOL. We’re looking into some work arounds to address this.


    yea so that kinda makes the HUD for fast fold on BOL kinda pointless. it’s ok though it’s not to big of a deal. you guys do a lot with trying to help your customers so i really appreciate the help and fast responses.

    DH Support

    Yes, we’re aware. We’ll have a new solution here soon.

    DH Support

    The team created a work around that will get player info, but if they fold, it won’t count their info unless they were involved at some point in the hand.

    I’ll post this up here for you to try:


    thank you for working so fast to help me. i really appreciate it. so should i just put my data refresh at last 24 hours and that will get rid of everyones old HUD stats and keep new stats from now on? i’m not sure really how the Data refreshness works honestly

    DH Support

    No, the data freshness hud filter will only show stats from the date it’s sent. So if it’s 24 hours, it will only be the last 24 hours. What you can do after updating to this version, is run a stats rebuild, and this should correct your existing data on your opponents. So you won’t need to set any hud filters (unless you want for some reason). The data will get corrected, but just note it can take awhile to rebuild so just do it when you have time.


    can you explain to me what the stat rebuild does and how to use it? i can’t find it anywhere on the software. and this won’t reset my stats correct? like my winnings and such for cash games.



    DH Support

    can you explain to me what the stat rebuild does and how to use it? i can’t find it anywhere on the software. and this won’t reset my stats correct? like my winnings and such for cash games. thanks.

    A stats rebuild is basically re-importing your incorrect hands, and correcting the stats. You have to click on the stop button in the HUD tab to stop the HUD from running, then click on the settings button in drivehud. Scroll down and you’ll see a stats rebuild button.

    It doesn’t effect your data or winnings. It will just correct the incorrect info (if you played on chico network boost poker).


    awesome! great, the stats seem to be a lot better now and more accurate. thank you for the help

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