Probe bet river/PRObe turn and barell/DOnk and barell

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Home Forums General Support for DriveHUD 1.x Probe bet river/PRObe turn and barell/DOnk and barell

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  • #7013

    Hey i need following stat without this  i would be not be upraging my drive hud honestly i would go with other huds


    Probe bet river-When hero cbet flop check turn and villan leads/probe when turn checked

    PRObe turn and barell-Barell after probeing turn

    DOnk and barell-Barell after donking|


    DH Support

    Gotcha. This needs to be moved to suggestions. There’s probe bets, etc… but not probe barrel barrel. Unless you’re a heads up player with about 250k+ hands on your opponent, those stats aren’t super helpful.

    I’ll move this to suggestions. ty.

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