Prioritize Cloud Storage and Updating of Databsaes on Multiple Computers

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Home Forums Feature Requests and Feedback for DriveHUD 1.x Prioritize Cloud Storage and Updating of Databsaes on Multiple Computers

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    Prioritize Cloud Storage and Updating of Databsaes on Multiple Computers — add this feature tomorrow and I’ll buy the Holden-Omaha Combination Pro license, and reccommend it to others. There are many of us out here who play with several computers, and I can use a card-history-handler coupled with Holdem Manager or Poker Tracker and get cloud syncing (better in Holdem Manager), as well as access to a wide variety of tools. Leak busting is the number one lack.

    The reason I primarily use DriveHUD is that I primarily play on the Chico network and I haven’t tested out the other options yet (BOL Card Catcher, Pokerplaner) and I’m going to be testing out options in the future to compare, but I’d rather have an all in one solution I can rely on being supported with.

    DH Support

    Thanks for the feedback. You can move data between systems, and if you need help doing that, please e-mail support and they can explain how.

    It’s not ideal right now, but it’s doable. We will have a synch option though at some point. We have player Xray coming out as beta next week, some new graphing and other options coming out as well as an automatic backup feature.

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