Pot Odds & Hand Equity

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  • #5199


    Have you considered adding pot odds & hand equity to the HUD that can be used in game, like in Holdem Indicator?



    DH Support

    No, I don’t think it’s something we’re going to do. Yes, we did discuss it. That’s a different customer base though then what this tool is developed for.


    Ty for the suggestion. We do have a free pot odds and outs tool if you’re interested. It’s pretty easy to learn. You learn and understand it once, you really don’t need the overlay imho.


    The one thing I miss most from using that is the mucked showdown hand display. You didn’t have to open up and wait on BOL’s laggy hand replayer to see what your opponent had. Is that something DriveHUD would be capable of displaying somewhere on the table?


    I’d be interest in seeing that tool.

    DH Support

    There’s a free odds and outs trainer and equity calc w/ this app:

    Ace Poker Drills

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