Is there a Stat like River 3bel Barrel Bluff SRP in Drive Hud?

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  4. Is there a Stat like River 3bel Barrel Bluff SRP in Drive Hud?

Home Forums General Support For DriveHUD 2 Is there a Stat like River 3bel Barrel Bluff SRP in Drive Hud?

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  • #313350

    I am looking to find how often Player 3bel Barrel Bluffs when 3bel barrel the River.

    A) Is there any?

    B) is there any postflop visual representation like Caddy Scatter has in Holdemmanager for Drive Hud Post Flop Scenarios?


    Thanks so much Andreas

    DH Support

    Hi –

    A) There’s river c-bet SRP, or 3BP, but it’s not tagged as a bluff necessarily. You should be able to do a river c-bet SRP & WSD as a custom stat:

    How do I create custom stats?

    B) No. There’s mouse over heat maps in reports. And you can create a 3D plot graph in the R&D section of Drivehud 2:

    Create a custom R&D from scratch

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