Ignition – Export All Opponents for Population Research

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Home Forums General Support for DriveHUD 1.x Ignition – Export All Opponents for Population Research

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  • #7978

    Is it possible to export all opponents with stats into an excel file? I wan’t to filter them by various stats and do some population tendency research.

    I only see a handful of “Opponents” under the opponent’s tab. Ideally, I would like to filter players by VPIP and PFR prior to export but I don’t think thats possible.


    I dont think DH have that feature, I suggest posting this in “Feature Requests and Feedback”

    DH Support

    You can export the opponent report, or any report to an excel format by right clicking and selecting export. But as far as population research in general, I’d recommend doing this research by running the population report. You’ll get a condensed data form sorted by player type as well as an overall population calculation. You can apply filters and run several different reports and export them all.


    Unfortunately, the player types in the tab are the default player types and do not change when you make changes to the “Player Type” inside the HUD. Are there any plans to change this?

    It also doesn’t appear that changing the player types even works in the HUD.

    It’s not very useful to look at a pool of players when many of those players have a small sample like on ignition. For example, a player who happened to play 25 vpip, 20 pfr, 10 3bet, and 35agg over a 15 hand sample size would be included in the standard reg player type. That’s an extremely small sample to draw any conclusions about how they truly play. The same player could just as easily look like a nit or a nutball over that same sample size.

    Personally, I’d like to adjust the Player Types to have a slightly higher sample size, and ONLY use VPIP and PRF for criteria as those will converge sooner with a small sample.

    Including 3-bet and agg on an anonymous site with small samples, one could draw wildly inaccurate conclusions about those player types.

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