HUD not working / hands not importing for Adda52 / PokerStars India

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Home Forums General Support For DriveHUD 2 HUD not working / hands not importing for Adda52 / PokerStars India

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  • #252088

    My HUD isn’t working for Adda52 / PokerStars India. No hands are being detected, and no HUD is showing up. There is no DriveHUD icon being shown on the playing window.

    I am on Windows 11, using latest DriveHUD version (

    I have also sent logs from my machine to support.


    We haven’t received any issue with both add52 and PS India, can you please double check your setup and if it still does not work,  send us your logs again please.

    To send log, click on the headset / support looking icon at the top right hand corner of DriveHUD. Put your name and e-mail and a message that you’re having difficulty and make sure to have the attach log button checked and the Advance log unchecked.




    Never mind. It’s working now.

    (I had deactivated the site when I was testing something, and forgot to re-activate it.)

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