Home › Forums › General Support For DriveHUD 2 › HUD disappears after one hand (Pokerbros LD4 player)
HUD disappears after one hand (Pokerbros LD4 player), long time no problems, but now it happens, any tips or same problem?
I made a NVidia geforce gtx 1050 ti driver update. perhaps there is the problem?
It disappears when Mouse OVER is on it. and when pop up should open
They after few hands reappears
Have you tried changing HUD profile and see if the issue still happens?
Please send us a message though DH2’s headset/support icon, with attach log checked and advance log unchecked, so we can investigate this for you.
edit: Not solved, yes tried
popup disappears mouseover is on the popup stats
HUD dissapears*
and after restart drivedhud ldplayers i patching always again ldplayer
it looks like its a problem with my specific hud
bought this hud:
SSJ4 Gogeta Hud For Cash Game 6 max
this the same, how can i import this hud for 9max tables?
same problem with this hud