help understanding rake and rake back

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Home Forums Feature Requests and Feedback for DriveHUD 1.x help understanding rake and rake back

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  • #8704


    can you guys explain the rakeback formula?


    i keep hearing that micros are no beatable because of the rake.

    so i am trying to understand it all better and how much i am losing to rake.

    how much bb/100 am i losing to rake.

    how much rake i paid on every individual hand.



    so if the pot is $2.00

    1 cent for every 20

    the rake would be $0.10

    now if i had a rakeback deal for 27% would i get 27% of 0.10


    27% of the amount of rake i put in as a % of the pot.

    so in this simple case with only 2 players, i put 1.00 into the pot which is 50% contributed to the total pot of 2.00

    so i would get 27% of the amount i contributed to the pot which is simple in this case to figure out to be 50%.

    … i contributed $0.05 of the $0.10 and 27% of 5cents is .0135 so about 1.4 cents.

    is my understanding correct on this?


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