DriveHUD Beta release update – v1.6.6.3326:
– Fixed the issue when PokerKing Asia hands weren’t imported if LDPlayer 4 was used
– Fixed the issue when PS hand might be incorrectly imported if some player showed 1 card on fold
– Fixed issues in rebuild command for PokerKing Asia
– Fixed the issue when hands were imported as non WPN (as ACR/BCP/etc.) hands even if only WPN is enabled in settings
– Fixed the issue when HUD positions for WPN Blitz might be incorrect
– Improved the detection of WPN Blitz tables
– Added default preferred seating for WPN if it is detected at the 1st time
– Adjusted positions in default HUDs for WPN
If you were having WPN blitz HUD alignment issues, this build resolves them.
Any outstanding Ignition/Bovada issues are still being investigated. We’ll have another update about this soon as well.