DriveHUD 2 Beta Update – v2.0.8.7927

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Home Forums DriveHUD 2.x Releases DriveHUD 2 Beta Update – v2.0.8.7927

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  • #598777

    DriveHUD 2 Beta Update – v2.0.8.7927:

    Added support for ClubGG on android emulators

    Added possibility for user to delete HUD layout + associated user pop-ups or HUD layout only when deleting the latter

    Abbreviated stats:

    Honor decimal places setting for stats that are being abbreviated whenever is possible

    Added billion suffix (B)

    Avoid having zero at number’s whole part when using a suffix (K/M/B)

    Replayer improvements:

    Increased the font size and make it bold for the bet amounts.

    Increased the font size for equity %.

    Show double hyphen for non set percentage stats and sample sizes.

    Added new table ring opponent position filter

    Fixed HUD designer issues:

    Fixed player profile icon not showing when searching stats in HUD designer

    Fixed player profile icon preview when it has associated graph in HUD designer

    Fixed tilt meter not showing any level

    Fixed bumper sticker tooltips

    Improved database manager view

    Added new stats

    Flop C-Bet Paired

    Flop C-Bet Unpaired

    Flop C-Bet Straight

    Flop C-Bet 0-35% Pot

    Flop C-Bet 36-55% Pot

    Flop C-Bet 56-76% Pot

    Flop C-Bet 77-100% Pot

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