DriveHUD 2 Beta Update – v2.0.10.9066:
Added equity support for multiple runs to replayer
Added option to change card deck in replayer
Added specific hole cards filter to Omaha and Holdem filters
Added “X” wildcard support for cards to custom stats/custom filter queries (e.g. AsXc – As and any card of clubs suit , XxKc – Any card and Kc, Tx7x – T of any suit and 7 of any suit)
Added “+” symbol support for action lines to custom stats/custom filter queries (e.g. FlopActions = “B+” means Bet and any or no actions)
Fixed issues in Pokerrrr2 support
Fixed a crash in quiz
Fixed the issue when HUD wasn’t displayed correctly if auto-switch and apply to specific table options were enabled at the same time
Fixed minor UI issues