Difficulty in creating a filter

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Home Forums General Support For DriveHUD 2 Difficulty in creating a filter

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  • #133565

    Hello everybody!

    I’m trying to create a relatively simple filter but I’m not succeeding. I want to create a filter where UTG Open shoves and I need to know which range the MP is calling. How would this filter be constructed?


    Can someone from support help me?

    DH Support

    That wouldn’t really be a filter, it would be more like range research. You’d have to set a filter and run a range report, and in scenarios this like you can only see your opponents range if you have showdown data. Unless you’re looking for a just a call% from MP as a range, and then you’d have to create a custom filter for that I believe. I’d have to ask someone in development for what that would look like.


    I usually avoid using filters?.

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