Differences in statistics for populations h2note and driver hud

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Home Forums General Support For DriveHUD 2 Differences in statistics for populations h2note and driver hud

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  • #666084

    As mentioned above, for a population with a minimum sample of 15 and a VPIP range of 30-40, the total VPIP in Driver HUD shows up as 47%. I don’t understand why this is happening since I set the range, and there are different statistics for the same settings as in Hand2Note. For example, an open from CO (cutoff) shows 38 in Hand2Note but 43 in Driver HUD, and even the number of hands doesn’t match. Please help me understand why the statistics are inflated for the average population. Is it calculated differently? The database is the same


    I’m not familiar on how H2N do their population analysis. My guess is that they exclude the hero from the population and shows a different result from DH2.

    Can you please send us a message though our support page with a screenshot of this, so I can have our developer investigate this for you?

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