Champion poker (ipoker network) issue lobby close

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Home Forums General Support For DriveHUD 2 Champion poker (ipoker network) issue lobby close

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  • #664470



    I want to say that my lobby of championpokoer close when i run dh, can you please add that I can disable dh for ipoker, dont know if anyone else have a problem with.


    Thanks for answer


    You can disable ipoker in DH2′ site settings.

    Can you please send us a message though DH2’s headset/support icon with attach log checked and advance log unchecked so we can see what went wrong.


    Thanks, i forget this option, sorry. This apears few weeks ago so cant play any game at all there, before i can play all sites, apps same time…

    Will send you a file soon, so please see what is happening there.

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