6 max table treated as 9 max in DriveHud

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Home Forums General Support for DriveHUD 1.x 6 max table treated as 9 max in DriveHud

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  • #7884

    Just started a session on Ignition and the hud came out looking wonky.  I clicked the Spade at the top of each table and told it to treat as 6 max.  The layout then formatted correctly, but the stats then wouldn’t update properly (at least on one table).  I have been using this program for a while, so I am unsure why it did this.  Let me know if you need logs.

    DH Support

    DriveHUD Beta update – v1.6.6.3333


    – Fixed the issue when size of Ignition cash table wasn’t detected correctly


    Thank you.  I will give it a try


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