Reply To: running DriveHUD and PT4 at same time?

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Home Forums General Support for DriveHUD 1.x running DriveHUD and PT4 at same time? Reply To: running DriveHUD and PT4 at same time?

DH Support

You can run them at the same time. The reason it’s not importing in Drivehud is because Pt is arching them as soon as they are downloaded from the site. I think if you turn auto archive off for Pt then it should be fine. This is in their site settings. I’m not 100% sure on this, just theorizing.

And yes, if you’re going to play on BOL w/ Pt then the card catcher license needs to be renewed.

We’re going to be adding a lot more site support on Drivehud just fyi. We’re putting out a new HUD store here soon, and then after that we’ll have more sites and intertops is high on the list. Just so you can plan accordingly.


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