Reply To: Is there a Stat like River 3bel Barrel Bluff SRP in Drive Hud?

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Home Forums General Support For DriveHUD 2 Is there a Stat like River 3bel Barrel Bluff SRP in Drive Hud? Reply To: Is there a Stat like River 3bel Barrel Bluff SRP in Drive Hud?

DH Support

Hi –

A) There’s river c-bet SRP, or 3BP, but it’s not tagged as a bluff necessarily. You should be able to do a river c-bet SRP & WSD as a custom stat:

How do I create custom stats?

B) No. There’s mouse over heat maps in reports. And you can create a 3D plot graph in the R&D section of Drivehud 2:

Create a custom R&D from scratch

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