Reply To: c-bet fold to 3-Bet% & double barrel (turn c-bet) fold to 3-Bet%

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Home Forums General Support For DriveHUD 2 c-bet fold to 3-Bet% & double barrel (turn c-bet) fold to 3-Bet% Reply To: c-bet fold to 3-Bet% & double barrel (turn c-bet) fold to 3-Bet%


Just an update, I found:

Fold to raise after turn c-bet% (Is this correct for the turn)?

The closest I have found for c-bet fold to 3-Bet% is:

  •  C-bet then fold flop SRP%
  • C-bet then fold to a raise in 3-bet pots%
  • Fold to flop raise

But none of them are correct as an overall:

PFR (in either a SRP or 3-bet pot) c-bets on the flop then folds to a 3-bet%


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