You must configure party poker to save hand histories to a designated directory on your hard drive.  This has to be set up in order for DriveHUD to properly import, track hands, and launch a HUD. Do the following:

  1. From the PartyPoker lobby, select on Options > Advanced.
  2. Ensure that hand history logs are being stored locally on the machine
  3. Click Save to save the settings.

Saved Hand Location Setup

Once you’ve set Party Poker to save the hand history location, you must set this same directory in setup on DriveHUD. DriveHUD will auto-detect your hand history folder location on startup, but we suggest checking and ensuring that it is set correctly. To do so do the following:

  1. Click on the SETTINGS button icon at the top right-hand side of DriveHUD.settings
  2. Click on the SITE SETTINGS tab in the settings window.
  3. From the drop-down menu shown below, select – Party Poker.

4. Make sure you have a hand history location showing, similar to above, or click the AUTO DETECT button to add your hand history folder location on Party Poker.

5. Click on APPLY. Click on OK.


Partypoker must be configured to use the English language. DriveHUD will not run or work properly if Party Poker is installed in a different language. If you have it installed in another language, we recommend uninstalling, and re-installing in English.


Preferred Seating

If you wish to have a preferred seating set, you must do the following in Party Poker:

1. From the party poker lobby, select Options –> Advanced -> Table Options.

2. Check the “Use preferred seating” checkbox.

3. Select the table type(s) you play by clicking the number shown on the table.

4. Click your preferred seat for each table type and then Save.


Once you’ve done this on Party Poker, set the same seat location in DriveHUD by doing the following:

  1. Set preferred seating in your poker client. Most sites have a config or settings section that has options to set preferred seating.
  2. In DriveHUD click on the settings button located at the top right-hand side of DriveHUD. preferred seating
  3. When the settings window pop-ups, click on SITE SETTINGS -> Select a poker site you’d like to set from the drop-down list -> Click on a seat position, which will turn it GREEN. If the seat is not set, it will show as RED.

site settings

NOTE: Makes sure you set a seat for each table type that you want to play on.


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