To run and configure a new range report in DriveHUD 2, do the following:
- Scroll on your report list until you locate the report called RANGE. Click on the config icon.
- You’ll be taken to the filter screen to first define the BETTING ACTION (Section A) of the range report you want to run. Select the betting options for each street you’d like to define (Section B above). EX: If you’d like to look at a range report for when opponents raise, and then check/call on the flop, you’d select the pre-flop option and click RAISE, and click on the pull down menu below that (Section C) and select NO ADDITIONAL ACTIONS. You just defined the first part of your filter, where your opponent raises pre-flop, and faces no additional action. Next we set the flop action by clicking on CHECK under the flop tab, and then click the pull down menu below it again and select, THEN CALL. We’ll then have a filter set to look at all opponents who raised once before the flop, and check/called on the flop.
- You can set the additional bet size ranges for your report by clicking on the GEAR ICON for each street, or leave them as default.
- Next you can set several additional filters for kind of scenario you’d like to explore, which is explained below in additional filters section, or click on RUN (Section J) to run the report as defined with only betting actions.
Additional Filters
This next section will explain the additional filters that can be set to define and configure your range report. After all of the filters are set, you’ll see them displayed in SECTION F. You can then save or load existing filters you’ve saved for previous range reports (Section J).
D) This pull down allows you to run a report on a specific player type you’ve defined, or on all players.
E) This pull down allows you to set whether the postflop action was in position or out of position or both.
F) This section displays the currently set filter. You can delete any of the options by clicking on the X in the upper right hand corner of any filter.
G) Standard filters allows you to set the number of players at your table, the stakes you’d like to run the report for, the specific site, the seating position of the players, and several quick filters. The default settings is set to all for every option. (See STANDARD FILTERS below for further explanation).
H) In the HOLE CARDS tab you can set the specific hand or hands you’d like to run a range report.
I) The ADVANCED tab allows you to set several pre-flop and post flop scenario filters (See Advanced filters below).
J) From this section you can select to RUN the currently set filters in your range report. You can also SAVE your currently built filter, LOAD a previously built one, or RESET the current filters you’ve built and start from scratch.
A) Allows you to set a filter for the number of players that were in the hand to start.
B) You can set a filter to only look at specific stake levels by unchecking and checking different stakes that you’ve played.
C) You can set a filter to run only for a specific poker site. You can only select one poker site at a time.
D) Allows you to set Hero’s position at the table (NOTE: Hero in this case is anyone’s data EXCEPT yours), or their opponent’s position in various pre-flop scenarios in the hand. EX: If you want to look at a range report for how your opponents play in an open BTN situation and a 3-bet from the SB. You’d set Hero’s position as the BTN, and opponents 3-bet position as the SB. You’d add the additional filter from section E, of hero Open Raising.
E) A list of quick filters to set additional filters for pre-flop and post flop situations. Click on anyone that you want to set one time, and it will turn green indicate it’s set as true. Click on the same filter a second time and it will turn red, indicating that the said filter is negative, and it will show results that are opposite to that filter. Click a third time to turn it back off.
F) Hidden below this graphic above if you scroll down, is pre-flop action facing Hero. Again, hero is your opponent’s data, not yours.
A) Using the slider, select whether you’d like to run the report on holdem or omaha hands
B) Hole card hand grid selector. Blue means the hand is selected (default is all hands). To select specific hands you can click reset so no hands are selected, and then select the specific hands you’d like to run the report on.
C) These are quick hand range filters. You can click on any of the options to add any of the hand ranges to your selected hands in the grid. You can select the additional option of pre-defined ranges, and then select default pre-flop action hand ranges.
D) Hand grid selection slider. You can drag to at the top or bottom of the hand ranges, ranked by pre-flop EV, or input a specific hand range number by entering on into the input box.
A) The filter options list is on the left. There are several advanced filters you can add into your range report by simply dragging them from the FILTERS column to the SELECTED filter’s column (Section B).
B) Your current list of selected filters. To remove a filter, you can either drag and drop it back to the FILTERS column or click on the X of the filter you want to remove in the CURRENTLY BUILT filters section above.